
Basic powder raw materials used in production of carbon material are coke, carbon black and graphite, which, according to the prescribed formulation, are ground to the desired grain size and homogenized. Subsequently, a binder is added which is pre-carbonized during the heat treatment.

The obtained carbon material in powder form is pressed on hydraulic and isostatic presses to various sizes. Pressed material is then heat treated at the temperature from 1000° C to 1500° C.

Tribological applications require impermeability and strength, so carbon materials are infiltrated with metals and resins. Infiltrations of carbon materials and products increase wear resistance and at the same time they do not have negative effects on sliding properties of the materials.

We process heat-treated and infiltrated materials according to the technical drawings on the latest CNC milling machines, CNC lathes, CNC and NC grinders, band saws, lapping machines and polishers. Final products are subject to a final inspection by Carl-Zeiss Contura 3D measuring device.